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인문지리학 : 서울시 외국인 관광객 분포 특성의 GIS 공간통계 분석
A Spatial Statistical Analysis of Foreign ourists` Behavior in Seoul
오충원 ( Chung Won Oh ) , 이재현 ( Jae Hyun Lee )
인문학연구 13권 225-247(23pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2009-000-020386085

Economic growth and increased leisure time have made people interested in tourism, leisure, which have activated the researcher to study about these themes. the purpose of this study is (1) to analyze spatial pattern of tourism attraction in seoul and to test if foreign tourists` nationality and transport mode affect spatial pattern of their behavior in Seoul by means of spatial statistical methodology. The result of this analysis is that, firstly, most tourism attractions in Seoul are located inside of the four main gates of old Seoul, which are near Jong no and Myeong-dong. Besides tourists spatial distribution also concentrated on this area. Secondly The English-speaking tourists are more widely and diversely scattered than the Japanese-speaking tourists and spatial distribution of Japanese tourists are concentrated on Myeong-dong, especially shopping mall. Thus regarding the English-speaking tourists` spatial behavior, 4 clusters of tourism attractions, except those attractions which are inside of the four main gates of old Seoul, could be used to do differential marketing. Lastly modal difference did not affect spatial distribution of tourists in Seoul.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]