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KCI 후보
사법 : 한국(韓國)의 회사법(會社法) 개정내용(改正內容)에 대한 개관적 소개 -2009 한양대,간사이대 공동발표회에 부쳐-
The Perspective Introduction of Korean Commercial(Corporate) Act`s Revision -in the Hanyang-Kansai University`s Symposium 2009-
전우현 ( Woo Hyun Chun )
법학논총 26권 4호 265-285(21pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2012-360-000988576

In the Revision of the Korean Commercial Act,(April. 2009), the issue was strengthening the competitive power of the Korean corporations rather than the corporate governance. So the Commercial Act was revised in view of empowering the Korean Corporate Competitiveness. This revision dealt with the stockholding corporations.: the abolition of the lowest limit of the capital, the exemption of the duty of auditor`s election and committee of directors in small-sized company, the exemption of the authentation of articles and minute books in the founding small-sized company, the simplification of calling-up and resolution in the shareholder meeting, the exemption of the payment`s authentation of the capital(stock), the electronic voting system and the electronic proposing system by the minority of the shareholders. Those revision are aimed for the company`s efficient and easy foundation and management in the hard and difficult state of global monetary crises, which is regarded as affirmative.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]