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살모넬라와 면역 글로블린 ( hIgG ) 의 항원 - 항체반응 감지를 위한 표면 플라즈몬 공명형 센서시스템의 특성
Characteristics of Constructed SPR ( Surface Plasmon Resonance ) Sensor System for the Detection of Salmonella and hIgG Antigen - Antibody Peaction
엄년식 , 고광락 , 함성호 , 김재호 , 이승하 , 강신원 ( N . S . Um , K . N . Koh , S . H . Hahm , J . H . Kim , S . H . Lee , S . W . Kang )
센서학회지 7권 4호 263-271(8pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2008-530-001335592

Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) sensor system, has rapid response and high sensitivity, can be applicable for detecting reaction times of many biospecific interactions. A SPR sensor system was constructed to detect the antigen-antibody reactions of salmonella and hlgG (human immunoglobulin G). Sensor chips made of gold thin film were used for detecting biological bindings of antigen and antibody reactions. The antigen and antibody reactions for salmonella and hlgG were carried out with various time intervals to observed characteristics of these reactions using SPR sensor system. The resonance angle shift changes were clearly observed at the time of salmonella or h1gG antibody injection into sample cell since each antibody was self-assembled on gold chip surface of the sensor. It was found that the antibodies of salmonella and hlgG reacted with its sensor chip surface in 10 minutes and 60 minutes respectively. And the antigens of both salmonella and hlgG were bound to its antibody within 1 minute.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]