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Historical Understanding of Doctrine of Atonement from the Perspective of Reformed Life Theology
( Chris Kyung ) , ( Jik Lee )
Life and Word 5권 35-58(24pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2013-230-002016205

The motive of this article is a revival of the Reformed doctrine of atonement for contemporary circumstance. Its purpose is to show how the historical Reformed doctrine can be reapproriated for the sake of some characters of the atonement “Reformed Life Theology,” which tries to put more emphasis on the practical use of doctrines. The means by which this purpose is achieved is to emphasize some contents of Roformed doctrine of atonement for its practical application in the Korean church. I deal with the doctrine of atonement from the perspective of the Reformed Life Theology, which accent on the Gospel and the Life of Christ, to the Reformed theology in the context of the Korean church. Reformed Life Theology is defined as “faith movement trying to revive the Gospel about Christ``s cross at the pulpits of local churches.” I apply these descriptions to the doctrine of atonement. As a result the doctrine of atonement in Reformed Life Theology reveals Jesus Christ as follows. (1) He gives life to us who dies once because our sins, by sacrificially suffering death on our behalf. (2) He shows God``s love toward human beings by his sacrificial death. (3) The only way to have Christ``s merit as our own is not our effort but through belief in Christ``s merit. (4) Holy Spirit transfers the objective merit of Christ``s substitutionary sacrifice to the subjective merit of every individual. I show that the doctrine of atonement in Reforme Life Theology adheres to 5 solas (sola Scriptura, sola fide, solus Christus, sola gratia and soli Deo gloria) by refuting Pelagianism and Arminianism which recognize human merit partly. The doctrine of atonement in Reformed Life Theology is completed only when we actually practice these doctrinal elements concretely in our churches and lives.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]