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Review : Application of Landscape Ecology to Ecological Restoration
( Sun Kee Hong ) , ( Ho Jeong Kang ) , ( Eun Shik Kim ) , ( Jae Geun Kim ) , ( Chang Hoe Kim ) , ( Eun Ju Lee ) , ( Jae Chun Lee ) , ( Jeom Sook Lee ) , ( Yeon Sook Choung ) , ( Heung Lak Choung ) , ( Byung Sun Ihm )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2009-470-002186887
* 발행 기관의 요청으로 구매가 불가능한 자료입니다.

To date, restoration ecology has focused on local areas, particularly small-scale ecosystems. As such, restoration ecology has been applied to areas with clear boundaries, such as roads, abandoned mines, wetlands, and forest ecosystems. However, those involved in these restoration efforts, due to their tendency to implement comprehensive plans to change the landscape structure, and their mismanagement of the restoration process, have more often than not wound up weakening the ecological functions of surrounding ecosystems, and in further degrading the ecosystem which they were trying to restore. To resolve these problems and restore a comparatively large-scale region, methods to assess the impact of such restoration efforts on surrounding ecosystems must be developed. These include expanding the scale of restoration efforts; in other words, moving from the local to the landscape scale. As a conclusion, practice of ecological restoration is increasingly moving towards landscape scale in order to deal with these problems.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]